Ari Herzog's knee injury was so bad he was bleeding from his knuckles in this image
GAZA -- Israeli rockets returned to the skies today, with 91 Palestinians dead in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli hero scraped his knee while fairly acquiring a bicycle from a Palestinian student. Eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli, identified as Tel Aviv resident Ari Herzog, 29, began defensively applying his fist to the temple of a Palestinian student whose bike he wanted but did not yet have late Saturday afternoon in broad daylight. Supposedly afraid of Israeli retalition, bystanders watched in unjustified horror as Mr. Herzog gingerly curb stomped the young student and took their bike as his own, but only after scraping his knee on the curb during the murder. After cycling back to Israel proper, Mr. Herzog told on Palestine to the teacher -- Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, who unilaterally decided to pursue justice for the suffering that Mr. Herzog had suffered at the evil hands of the Palestinians and their curbs. AP reports have confirmed at least 91 Palestinians dead following Israeli airstrikes, 77 from a single hospital struck by several Israeli missiles. "Now we're even," said Netanyahu at a press conference in the evening, in a resounding call for a return to peace in the region. All Palestinian journalists were asked to leave, even helped to the door by security guards. American leaders praised Netanyahu for his peacekeeping, and talks to place sanctions on Palestinian bicycles have begun.
Gabriel Valentino, Kalkaska Chronicle