Dudakova DM'ed this image to Dana White after her fight, promising not to do it again.
UFC fighter Victoria Dudakova revealed she had a staph infection in her nether regions going into her UFC 294 bout against Jinh Yu Frey. While the UFC had suspended fighters for not disclosing and fighting through staph infection in the past, the organization announced it would make an exception this time. "Look, she's such a good kid, I mean, what a fighter. Dudakova is a savage, and yeah I mean... she's kinda cute too, you know. What? No that doesn't have anything to do with it, just, just leave her alone, alright?" -Dana White, getting bashful. Apparently, pretty privilege and Dana White privilege go hand in hand. The head of the organization had a much different reaction to Ilir Latifi's staph infection in late 2022. "Who the fuck does this fat fucking piece of shit tub of lard think he is?? Honestly, can someone tell me why I should give a fuck about prelim fighter Ilir fucking Latifi? On what planet does he think his fat ass can just bypass the rules like that?" Dana White regained his composure after being handed and chugging a water. "Look, there are a lot of ways to say no to a fight, and one of them is saying yes to a fight. You can't do that while you have staph. This guy clearly wants to get banned, and you know what, he's so ugly I'm gonna give him his wish. See ya, bozo! Alright, who's got the first question?" -Dana White, 2022. When played back these remarks after his defense of Dudakova, the UFC president called an end to the press conference, immediately going to his phone to look at thirst traps of Victoria. Her downstairs staph infection would not be punished. While Dudakova may be bleeding out of her &*@#* twice this month, that will not stop her from fighting and risking the health of all other fighters on the card. And honestly...? That's pretty hot too. The UFC is making the right call, I think we can all agree. For the Kalkaska Chronicle, I'm Dane Hardy.
Dane Hardy, Kalkaska Chronicle