Wynton Marsalis, dead-ass fucking meme God.
Holy shit guys no cap I'm watching this livestream and Wynton Marsalis just played the fuckin lick at the white house LMAO. Joe Biden fuckin invited this dude and he's playing meeeemes dawg LOLOLOLOL. Bar 17 of his solo on this tune, I think it's called Blue Bossa (it's something obscure I don't remember the name), he plays the lick. Well like half of the lick technically. I wrote the notes down it went "G#-A#-C-F#-G#" and they were all really fast like 8th notes or 16th notes. Maybe it's not the full lick but it's pretty damn close. It was totally like dooba dooba dwee doo da, except it was in G# Major instead of the D Minor key I learned it in and he was playing it on trumpet not saxophone. Best part is, Joe Biden didn't catch it but I totally did. He woulda been bustin a gut laughing if he understood Jazz deeply like I do. This is why I love Jazz. It's all about the memes my guy. Coltrane was def memeing back in the day when he invented the lick. I heard Charlie Parker tried to do something similar with "Pool Blues" or something like that, but it never caught on cause of the 1959 recording ban meant to prevent Ornette Coleman from memeing on Shape of Jazz to Come, and to stop the best meme song ever, Giant Steps. But the memes prevailed, and now they're in the white house, and I understand them. That's the nice thing about jazz memes, it's how I can communicate to people that I'm in the know, over and over again, cause repetition legitimizes, repetition legitimizes. Oh Wynton just said the tune he was playing it was called All The Things You Are, gotta look that one up later. (relax I never said I knew every tune out there just the important ones like Fly to the Moon and the drum solo from Whiplash) But for real though Wynton be memeing and its funny as heck, the only thing better would be if he pulled out the mario kart lick or something, but that one's pretty difficult so I don't blame him. Still, it was kind of disappointing. Maybe next time Biden can invite a real jazz musician like Simon Fransman or Dai Miyamoto from Blue Giant. My high school band director is pretty good too he knows the altered dominant scale.
Sam Larson, Kalkaska Chronicle