A real photo taken during the airstrike, not doctored at all. (But if it was, I mean, good job, right?)
The great Pyramid of Giza is the latest casualty in the Israel/Hamas war, after Israel mistakenly delivered a series of airstrikes to the structure on Wednesday. It is believed that Israeli fighter pilots were confused about how to spell Gaza, and accidentally typed in Giza on Google Maps before taking off. The moment the pilots left Israel's borders it became increasingly clear that they were lost, let's listen to what they had to say in the cockpit. "Yitzhak where are we? I feel like we've been flying for too long. Is this Gaza? I can't tell, everyone is brown down there, we could be anywhere in the middle east, fuck. ... HOLY SHIT that's a big triangle, shoot it!" Luckily, the great Pyramid of Giza is such an engineering marvel that only 98 civilians were killed in the blast, and Israel's pilots could head home not feeling too embarrassed. Odds are, there were probably a few Hamas agents killed, and that meant today was a good day. Tune in next week as we discuss the dyslexic Israeli pilots that ended up all the way in Ghana.
Dmitri Pivovich, Kalkaska Chronicle