unable to pay for image
It is a dark day for business as writers have gotten their way. Many publicatoins are unable to hire full time writn g staff and cannot afford to pay for full pages. Sometimes even sentences are Typos are excepted to be more comon, as some news outlets fargo writers all toegether, this is hard because writing isn't easy and it's actually a lot of work but still it's not enough work to deserve to get that mcuh money comon i mean really guys what are we talking about here its not like u half to run a businss like me im a real big strong business owner with a lot of money and i do work for you all plus i give you jobs and oh my god how do i end this sentence i can't stop somebody help i need a comma or a period or seomthing how do i do this fuck fuck fuck fuck some writers will work for less though like the ones you can get off fiverr, but we don't use those nuh uh its all fair trade american labor here at anyways theres some shit coming dow the pipe soon or maybe not i dont fucking know please suscribe
Bernice Brewster, Kalkaska Chronicle