Mark Davis                       Sept. 18, 2023


David Holstein... hold on are we sure this kid is really a minor?

A beautiful story comes to us out of Long Island, New York this week, as 17 year old David Holstein, long-time haver of Tay-Sachs disease, made his request to the Make a Wish Foundation. His wish? One airstrike delivered to an orphanage in the Gaza strip. While Make a Wish has complied, David’s story didn’t begin so easily. In fact, he almost didn’t get his wish at all! Hailing from Arlington, VA, David had campaigned for the destruction of Palestine for years. However, he was unable to secure funding from his bigoted Virginia neighbors. Make a Wish is locally funded, and the backwater whites of Arlington could not understand this poor child’s wish for a Zionist-Jewish ethnostate in accordance with Talmudic law, heralding a return to 4th century geopolitics in the Middle East. Years passed, and where other children may have caved, David showed resilience, saving money to move to New York in his 17th year, just before his wish ran out. There, his pleas were heard. Within 3 days, Make a Wish was looking at cash donations in the millions. Sadly, backlash was soon to follow. Even in New York, hatred against Israel is strong. We have chosen not to present the arguments of opposition to David, as they may contain anti-semitic dog-whistles we are unaware of. If you would like to know more, talk to your uncle, he will have things to say about this.

Mark Davis, Kalkaska Chronicle

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