Bernice Brewer                       Sept. 13, 2023


Goodbye, old friend.

Media giant and factual truthteller World News Daily Report has shut down. It is a sad day for independent media as the company closes its doors for the last time. This website was a force for good in the world, shining a light on stories that no other news organization would touch, like "200 MILLION YEAR OLD DINOSAUR EGG HATCHES IN BERLIN MUSEUM" and "MIDGET STUCK IN MAILBOX". The world may not have been ready for such a force, though, as mainstream outlets labeled the website as "fake news", "satire", and "not funny either". Were these allegations of terrorism by CNN, Snopes, and the like? A bit ironic. Their intentions were clear. The Deep State would do whatever it could to slander and silence, and ultimately extinguish this shining light of independent media. For reasons unclear to the public, (although we have the details), World News Daily Report was shut down, (trust us the details are shocking and illegal. We may present them at a later time if we can gain full legal and spiritual protection). It seems now that The Kalkaska Chronicle is the only voice left in independent media which will cover the real stories. The real truths. The real America. If you would like to support independent voices, fact-checkers, and the world's largest unrecognized religious cult, please reach out to us at We accept donations in all denominations of currency. This is your moment to do the right thing. Tune in next week as we check the mailboxes of America to see if that midget is still stuck in them.

Bernice Brewer, Kalkaska Chronicle

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