Bernice Brewer                       Sept. 6, 2023


McConnell demonstrating poise as he attempts to swallow his upper lip (not stroke related)

Ironic news this week as the liberal media attacks Mitch McConnell for a brief, hardly even noticeable moment when he decided not to answer a question from a reporter right away. The Senator did stare vacantly into his own eyeballs for around 12 seconds, yes, but quickly came to, sticking the landing and answering "yes". Something Joe Biden definitely couldn't do. After the interview, McConnell was checked into Central State Hospital, where he received various brain scans revealing the Senator had indeed suffered a minor stroke, causing the brief lapse in communication. Of course, Democrats found a way to spin this event into vicious attacks on McConnell, claiming he had "lost his mind", "showed signs of dementia", and was "too old for the job". Pretty rich coming from the party that talks so much about inclusion. What? Politicians can't have strokes anymore? Maoist Democrat doctors love to distort the truth by weaponizing language, labeling the Senator's health complications as "a concern" and "a major life altering hemorrhagic stroke". But at Kalkaska, we like to call this event a "stroke of good luck" for the Senator, and wish him well serving far into his 90s, even his 100s. MAGA (McConnell Ain't Gowing Away).

Bernice Brewer, Kalkaska Chronicle

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