Eduardo Lopez                       May 17, 2022


Dave Hambleton after being arrested

Dave Hambleton, of Harrisonburg, VA, was arrested by authorities this Wednesday on a warrant for suspected child trafficking. Mr. Hambleton, 37, was intercepted a week prior on a dark web reddit board, r/childsextrafficking.tor, by undercover federal agents, allegedly attempting to pawn off his 6 year old son to the owner of a nearby car wash. Authorities arrested and interrogated Mr. Hambleton while he tried to cross a security checkpoint between states on Wednesday. He then revealed he had confirmed the sale of his son after taking out a third mortgage on his Harrisonburg home in order to pay for risky options contracts on Bitcoin. When the price crashed, he said he had no other choice. “Conor always got D’s in school, I just told myself one more D wouldn’t be too big of a problem for him.” - Dave Hambleton Mr. Hambleton, who is a busy man, with seven children, now six, claims that he loves them all equally, but that Conor pulled the short straw when they had to decide who to sell, and that in the Hambleton house, rules are rules. When reaching out for an interview with the police who arrested Hambleton, The Kalkaska Chronicle was informed of the identity of Conor’s purchaser, a local man by the name of Mahmoud Al-Rajul Aldhy Yakul Al-Muakhara, a recent immigrant to the area. Al-Muakhara, who owns Harrisonburg Wahabi Car Wash, as well as Conor Hambleton, spoke with The Chronicle on Friday. Citing an antiquated but technically still active Virginia law predating the Civil War, Al-Muakhara claims to have full legal rights to own Conor, as he has the contract in writing, and Conor being a non-landowning male. This legal loophole will need to be corrected before the Hambleton’s will have a case to get their son back. Al-Muakhara also cited sharia law and bedouin tradition, but that will be unlikely to hold up in court. “Conor is now my wife, if Dave wants him back I’m sorry but that’s just the law here in Virginia”- Mahmoud Al-Muakhara

Eduardo Lopez, Kalkaska Chronicle

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